
Live Writing Studio

6-week wordcraft Sequence

Apr 1 - May 8, 2025

Are you looking for a nurturing, friendly writing community where you can challenge yourself creatively, get some focused writing done, and receive supportive, craft-based feedback on your work-in-progress?

A Studio Sequence pass enables you to attend up to a dozen Live Writing Studio sessions over a specified 6-week period. Each 2-hour Zoom session invites you to:

  • Reach across time and space to connect with other writers from around the world.

  • Stretch your creative muscles with a playful 10-minute writing warm-up.

  • Push your current writing project forward with a focused 25-minute writing sprint.

  • Break out with 2-3 fellow writers for a 40-minute writing WINDOW (Writing IN Dialogue with Other Writers) where you can receive supportive, low-stakes, formative feedback on your writing and offer the gift of your energy and attention in return.

Check our Guest Calendar to find the dates and times of the Live Writing Studio sessions during the upcoming Studio Sequence.


Step into the Studio!

Live Writing Studio Wordcraft Sequence

6-week multi-session sequence, Apr 1 - May 8, 2025.


WriteSPACE discount

Live Writing Studio Wordcraft Sequence for Members

6-week multi-session sequence, Apr 1 - May 8, 2025: WriteSPACE members’ discount.

3 ways to access the Live Writing Studio:

  1. WriteSPACE Studio members get FREE access to all Live Writing Studio sessions throughout the year as part of their premium membership plan. Visit the Studio Calendar in your membership area to find live sessions in your time zone.

  2. Wordcraft Catalyst participants get FREE access to all Live Writing Studio sessions throughout the 6-week Pleasure Sequence.

  3. Other writers can purchase a 6-week Live Writing Studio pass for $120 (or $100 for WriteSPACE members).

Not sure which option to choose? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. If you buy a Studio Sequence pass but then decide after a session or two that the Live Writing Studio is not for you, you can request a full refund. And if you decide to upgrade to an annual WriteSPACE Studio membership or to join a concurrent Writing Catalyst course, we’ll credit the price of the Studio Sequence against your upgrade.



Price is in US dollars, payable by credit card. Contact us if you would prefer to be invoiced.

By enrolling in this course, you agree to be added to Helen Sword's automated email distribution list.

The Members’ Discount is valid only for paying members of the WriteSPACE or WS Studio who keep their membership plan active throughout the duration of course. Please see our Terms & Conditions.