Write more, right now!


Do you want to write more stylishly, productively, creatively, and joyfully? Join the WriteSPACE today!

  • Become part of a vibrant international writing community with members in 30+ countries.

  • Supercharge your writing with exclusive resources and tools developed by acclaimed writing expert Dr. Helen Sword over three decades and used at hundreds of leading institutions around the world.

  • Attend special events and workshops with invited global experts, or drop into our live online Writing Studio to work one-on-one with Dr. Sword and fellow writers.

  • Receive discounts worth thousands of dollars off premium courses and retreats.



Membership benefits

  • Weekly inspiration and guidance from bestselling author and international writing expert Dr. Helen Sword.

  • Use our WriteSPACE Journey Planner to identify your writing roadblocks, fill up on your personal “rocket fuel,” and generate a customized roadmap for achieving your writing goals.

  • Exclusive access to an online library stocked with premium writing resources and tools.

  • Members-only events, workshops, and discounts.

  • A live online Writing Studio with individual and small-group coaching (Studio membership only).



Meet your fellow members


Anne-marie choup

Political Scientist
(Alabama, USA)

“My WriteSPACE membership has really helped me carve out and protect time for writing! I look forward to sitting down to my writing sessions, now that I can choose from so many different resources available to members in the online library.”

Anita Campbell

Maths Educator
(Cape Town, SA)

“The WriteSPACE has been instrumental in transforming my academic writing practices, boosting my productivity, nurturing my well-being, and moving me along the path to thriving through all parts of the writing journey.”

James corazzo

Graphic Designer
(Stockport, UK)

Being part of WriteSPACE for the past two years has re-written my relationship with writing. I have learned how to bring life to my writing and writing to my life - and in a much kinder way to myself and my readers..”

Stephanie swanson

Art Historian
(Sydney, Australia)

“The WriteSPACE Studio has become the high point of my writing week. It is a place of inspiration and support that has changed my outlook on writing forever.”



Who is the WriteSPACE for?

The WriteSPACE welcomes writers in all genres and at any level of expertise.


Academics and PhD students

  • Turn academic writing from a dreaded chore into an enjoyable challenge.

  • Write more stylish and compelling books and articles.

  • Connect with other research writers from across the globe.

Professional writers

  • Stand out to customers and colleagues with assured, engaging writing.

  • Learn practical tips and tricks to elevate your work.

  • Transform staid commercial text into “wow factor” prose.

Writing enthusiasts

  • Meet like-minded writers to share and improve your writing.

  • Access professional-level workshops and resources.

  • Make writing a daily habit that you look forward to.



Compare membership plans



($15/month or $135/year)

WriteSPACE membership includes the following benefits:

  • Helen’s Word - A complimentary subscription to Helen Sword’s paid newsletter on Substack (save $6/mo or $50/yr).

  • Journey Planner - A customized Journey Planner, Roadmap, and Itinerary created for you by Helen based on your own personal writing profile.

  • Weekly Wayfinder - A curated selection of weekly activities, resources, and prompts to develop your wordcraft, power up your productivity, and help you find more pleasure and purpose in writing.

  • Resource Library - An exclusive library stocked with workshop videos, downloadable articles, and colorful pomodoro timers to help you hone your skills and keep your writing on track.

  • Writer’s Diet Plus - A premium online tool for diagnosing the verbal fitness of your prose and generating a personalized Action Plan to help you shape up your sentences.

  • Writing BASE Plus - An interactive tool that provides you with a customized blueprint for broadening and deepening the behavioral, artisanal, social, and emotional foundations of your writing practice.

  • Special Events and Workshops - A monthly series of live Zoom conversations and workshops with international writing experts, hosted by Dr. Helen Sword.

  • Community Forum - Opportunities to interact with other members via the WriteSPACE community message board and at monthly live events.

  • Course Discounts - A 10% discount off the regular price of all Writing Catalyst courses. (Save up to $55 per course). A $20 discount off all Live Writing Studio sequences (five 6-week sequences per annum).

WriteSPACE Studio

($45/month or $395/year)

WriteSPACE Studio membership includes ALL WRITESPACE BENEFITS, plus:

  • Live Writing Studio - An all-access pass to 60 live online Writing Studio sessions facilitated throughout the year by Dr. Helen Sword and her trained assistants. (Save up to $600/year compared with the purchase of individual Writing Studio passes and thousands of dollars per year compared with private coaching).

  • Extra Course Discounts - A 20% discount off the price of all Writing Catalyst courses. (Save up to $110 per course).

  • Retreat Discounts - A 10% discount off Helen Sword’s flagship 3-day Stylish Writing Intensive and her 7-day onsite Writing Retreats in New Zealand and Switzerland. (Save up to $550 per retreat; annual WriteSPACE Studio membership plan only)


Image credit: paper collage by Helen Sword